Contacts with schools
The Antarctic Expeditions had come to an end but Enrique Isla, returned from his trip with many data, samples and experiences to share with you. To know how the next expedition will go, we will not have to wait long (this will be in 2020)!! but while we wait …
Part of the team, Enrique Isla, Silvia de Diago, Neus Maestro and Elena Martínez, is docked in Barcelona, at the Institut de Ciències del Mar-CSIC (ICM)… Here we analyze the samples in the laboratories of the Department of Marine Geosciences, where research is carried out to obtain results and conclusions that are published in scientific journals and presented at scientific conferences and outreach talks.
If you have questions about any topic that you have read on the web, or you want to make suggestions or comments, you can write to Enrique Isla. The questions will be sent directly to his personal email and he will post the answer on this page.
If you would like to talk with marine scientists, learn more about Antarctic and polar expeditions, or visit the ICM facilities, you can contact us by mail. You are welcome!
Contacts with schools in the framework of ECOWED-III
Schools are invited to follow the expedition and send questions about it to our researcher on board, Enrique Isla. The questions will be addressed to his personal e-mail and the answers will be published in this page.
As you can imagine, Enrique will be busy with his work at sea and his time to answer will be limited; however, the answer will bepublished as fast as possible so please be patient. Many thanks for your interest!!