Pelagic-benthic coupling in the Antarctic climate modulator: ecological reactions to climate change in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica (ECOWED).
Expedition facts
Ship: Research Vessel Polarstern.
Distance: 8897 nautical miles.
Started: December 19, 2013. Finished: March 5, 2014.
Departure and arrival port: Cape Town, South Africa
Funding Agencies: Ministerio Español de Economía y Competitividad (Ref.CTM2012-39350-C02-01) and Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar und-Meeresforschung (S-2009-7).
Main objective
Find them at our papers section
Ariadna Purroy
PhD student. Her main research topic is the relationship between environmental variables and shell growth in several bivalve species. She has participated in oceanographic expeditions to the Mediterranean and the Antarctic.
Rebeca Zapata
PhD Biology
She is a marine ecologist and taxonomist of Antarctic gorgonians, a very important group providing structure for several Antarctic benthic communities. She has participated in oceanographic expeditions to the Weddell Sea in the Southern Ocean.
Stefano Ambroso
PhD student. His research field is the study of Antarctic benthic communities through the analysis of ROV videos. He has participated in oceanographic expeditions to the Mediterranean and the Antarctic.
Dieter Gerdes
PhD in Natural Sciences
Dave J. DeMaster
PhD in Marine Geochemistry
Enrique Isla
PhD Marine Science
His main research line is Marine Geochemistry. He relates the physical-chemical characteristics of marine sediment and suspended particulate matter to the environment where they were developed. He has participated in oceanographic expeditions to the Antarctic, Mediterranean and the South Pacific.
Santiago Pineda
PhD student. He is studying the relationships between Antarctic benthic community composition and environmental several Antarctic regions under in different sea ice regimes. He has participated in oceanographic expeditions to Antarctica.
Silvia De Diago
She carries out the biogenic opal analyses at the Marine Science Institut-CSIC. She has long experience analysing sediment and suspended particles from several regions of the world.
Neus Maestro
Laboratory technician
She is the laboratory technician on charge of the organic carbon analyses at the Marine Science Institut-CSIC. She runs the C/N elemental analyser with animal and sediment samples from several environments.