End of the Campaign

End of the Campaign

Reported by E. Isla; written during the Antarctic Scientific Expedition ECA55 (IDEAL-ICM, EDGE project) during his stay at the “Chilean Antarctic Scientific Base Yelcho”, in March 2019 The end of the expedition arrived! This year, the ship of the Chilean Navy...
Let’s get on with it!

Let’s get on with it!

Reported by E. Isla; written during the Antarctic Scientific Expedition ECA55 (IDEAL-ICM, EDGE project) during his stay at the “Chilean Antarctic Scientific Base Yelcho”, in March 2019 Three days later we arrived to Yelcho we left early in the morning with soft wind...
Final destination: Yelcho

Final destination: Yelcho

Reported by E. Isla; written during the Antarctic Scientific Expedition ECA55 (IDEAL-ICM, EDGE project) during his stay at the “Chilean Antarctic Scientific Base Yelcho”, in March 2019 Final destination Yelcho: 64°51’00.0″S, 63°35’00.0″W. We...
Navigating between Giants

Navigating between Giants

Reported by E. Isla; written during the Antarctic Scientific Expedition ECA55 (IDEAL-ICM, EDGE project) during his stay at the “Chilean Antarctic Scientific Base Yelcho”, in March 2019 “Karpuj” means black-browed albatross (Thalassarche...
IDEAL House in Punta Arenas

IDEAL House in Punta Arenas

Researchers Enrique Isla of the ICM-CSIC and Humberto González of the Research Center High-Latitude Ecosystem Dynamics (Centro de Investigación Dinámica de Ecosistemas de Altas Latitudes-IDEAL) initiated in October 2018, the scientific cooperation “EDGE”...
AnT-ERA 2018 Course

AnT-ERA 2018 Course

“BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES IN ANTARTIC ECOSYSTEMS” Spring Course, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 23 – 29 September 2018 On September 23, the AnT-ERA 2018 Spring Course:” Biological Processes in Antarctic Ecosystems “began. It will teach classes on topics...