Spring Course, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 23 – 29 September 2018
On September 23, the AnT-ERA 2018 Spring Course:” Biological Processes in Antarctic Ecosystems “began. It will teach classes on topics related to conducting biological and ecological research in Antarctica and the Arctic. The course is organized by SCAR / AnT-ERA Steering Committee Scientists and takes place at the Instituto Antártico Argentino in Buenos Aires. It is aimed at Graduate and Post-Doctoral students.
Enrique Isla is in Buenos Aires participating in the teaching course and will teach a class within the half-day modules; he will talk about climate controls on sedimentation and its implications for benthic communities.
Summary by Enrique Isla:
<<Climatic controls on sedimentation and their implications for Benthic Communities.
Analysing the magnitude and composition of particle flux exports towards the seabed is important to asses how the pelagic and benthic environments are related. The conditions at the sea Surface determine to a large extent the quality of the food that the bentos may ingest. Also, the environmental characteristics near the sea floor determine the availability of organic matter for bentos and consequently the spatial distribution of the animals. This module attempts to explain some of the mechanisms driving pelagic-benthic coupling in Antartic continental shelves, including climatic and meteorological forcing. The lectures will also provide information on sampling tolos and strategies to analyse particle fluxes.>>
To see and download the entire program of the course click here: pdf AnTERA 2018 SpringCourse Call (506 KB) or visit the web SCAR / AnT-ERA course: https://www.scar.org/library/science-4/research-programmes/ant-era/4157-antera-2018-springcourse-call/
The Course on Twitter:
#Antártida | Comenzó el Taller “Procesos Biológicos en Ecosistemas Antárticos”, en el Palacio San Martín. Con más de 50 científicos de todo el mundo, el evento es organizado por el Instituto Antártico Argentino y el Comité Científico de Investigaciones Antárticas (@SCAR_Tweets ). pic.twitter.com/YuaH0GzozB
— Cancillería Argentina 🇦🇷 (@CancilleriaARG) September 24, 2018
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